Friday, June 06, 2008

Chicago Ghost

"Chicago Ghost"

This is a 4 color screenprint on 19 x 25 Safety Orange French Construction paper. The image is one I've been playing around with over the last year- It came about when I was asked to come up with a poster for a group show last year at a gallery in Chicago. I kept thinking of iconic Chicago/city imagery- Bricks, decay, tires, wood; all wrapped up in a bull emblematic of the Stockyards that closed up decades ago. What better than to make old history into mythology by turning that bull into a cylclops? I used some transparent metallic and white inks on this version and am very happy with the results; referencing the old, yet still something turning into something new.

For sale now in my Etsy Shop.

1 comment:

Trav said...

Hey I would love to buy this on a shirt

Any way we can make that happen?

This image would sell like hotcakes on threadless!
